Honoring Soror Burrus-Johnson and Dance for Your Heart

Dance for Your Heart isn’t just an event—it’s a story of turning pain into passion and purpose. Created by Soror La Verne Burrus-Johnson for her best friend, Toni Blue Washington, this initiative was born from a place of deep loss. After Toni’s husband tragically passed away at the age of 38 due to heart disease, the two women channeled their grief into a powerful mission: to raise awareness about heart disease prevention and provide a space for others to honor and remember loved ones.For more than a decade, Dance for Your Heart has been a cornerstone of service and community engagement in Richmond, gathering 150-200 people at each event.

Over the years, the event has raised more than $25,000 for organizations that make a difference in the lives of others. This year, the recipients were two Sorors of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated:

  • Kim Martin of the KLM Scholarship Foundation (Richmond Alumnae Chapter), receiving $1,500 to create a scholarship for a VCU student majoring in health sciences, fostering educational advancement in wellness-related fields.
  • Ashley Redwood of Trap Cardio (Henrico County Alumnae Chapter), receiving $2,200 to continue her mission of making fitness accessible to underserved communities, promoting physical and mental health.

Through Soror Burrus-Johnson’s vision and leadership, Dance for Your Heart exemplifies Delta Sigma Theta’s mission to promote Physical and Mental Health and Educational Development. Soror Burrus-Johnson not only created and choreographed this impactful event but also hosted it, uniting the Richmond community in service, sisterhood, and the celebration of life.

“This isn’t just about dance,” Soror Burrus-Johnson shared. “It’s about healing, hope, and raising awareness for heart health. It’s about giving people a chance to celebrate life while making an impact in their communities.”

Occupation: IT Risk Officer

Chapter Initiated: Alpha Eta, Virginia State University, 1996

Chapter Committee: Nominating Committee Member