The committee’s mission is to provide an “Atmosphere of Sisterly Love.” The committee endeavors to design activities that not only promote retention and reclamation, but sisterhood. The committee’s key programs/projects include the Chapter Retreat, and Sisterhood Month celebration and activities. The committee will also utilize technology to enhance chapter and Delta communication to foster awareness of and participation in Richmond Alumnae Chapter activities and projects.
Chapter Committees
Get Involved!
Five-Point Programmatic Thrust Committees | Committee Chair(s) |
▲ Economic Development | Tracie Daniels |
▲ Educational Development | Dione Ward & Decardra Jackson |
▲ International Awareness & Involvement | Jacquelin Whitaker-Miller |
▲ Physical and Mental Health | Charlene Hinton-Watts & Stephanie Ruffin |
▲ Political Awareness & Involvement | Valena Dixon & Lizbeth Hayes-Mackey |
Collegiate Chapters | Collegiate Advisory Team |
Beta Epsilon (VUU) | Henrico County Lead Chartrice Thorne, Advisor |
Eta Tau (VCU) | Jacinda Alston, Advisor |
Rho-Rho (UofR) | Shiron Haskins, Primary Advisor Kimberlyn Robinson, Advisor Kaya Washington, Advisor |
Chapter Committees
Click the tab to view committee descriptions and details.
The committee helps to promote civic responsibility and community pride by by keeping designated streets litter-free.
Sandee Smith, Chair |
The committee promotes activities to enhance the Black perspective in arts and provides a medium for expression of talents related to arts and letters. It plans and executes the following: Oratorical Contest, Delta Authors’ Pavilion, “Meet Me at the Museum” with the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, and provides volunteers for the Richmond Folk Festival, Kwanzaa Kollective and the Arts and Culture Xpo.
Tawana Ferguson, Chair
The Collegiate Advisory Council shall consist of those sorors certified to serve as collegiate advisors and the 1st Vice-President for Scholarship. The Council shall be convened by the 1st Vice -President for Scholarship. The Collegiate Advisory Council will encourage those who demonstrate leadership skills and who meet the requirements, to seek advisor’s certification.
Anita Roane, Chair |
The Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy: Catching the Dreams of Tomorrow, Preparing Young Women for the 21st Century – Delta Academy is a program for at risk females ages 11-14 to save from the perils of academic failure, low self-esteem, and crippled futures. Delta Academy provides an opportunity to enrich and enhance the education that our young teens receive in public schools across the nation. The committee encourages success in math, science, and technology. We have programs around self-esteem, sisterhood and community service. A primary goal of the program is to prepare young girls for full participation as leaders in the 21st Century.
Shayla Brown-Holeman, Chair
Delta G.E.M.S (Growing and Empowering Myself Successfully)
Delta Gems was created to catch the dreams of African American at-risk, adolescent girls aged 14-18. Delta GEMS provides the frame work to actualize those dreams through the performance of specific tasks that develop a CAN DO attitude.
The goals for Delta GEMS are:
- To instill the need to excel academically; To provide tools that enable girls to sharpen and enhance their skills to achieve high levels of academic success;
- To assist girls in proper goal setting and planning for their futures high school and beyond; and To create compassionate, caring, and community minded young women by actively involving them in service learning and community service opportunities.
The Delta GEMS framework is composed of five major components:
- Scholarship
- Sisterhood
- Show Me the Money
- Service
- Infinitely Complete, forming a road map for college and career planning.
Destiny Davis, Chair |
The EMBODI (Empowering Males to Build Opportunities for Developing Independence) program is designed to refocus the efforts of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., with the support and action of other major organizations, on the plight of African-American males. Both informal and empirical data suggests that the vast majority of African-American males continues to be in crisis and is not reaching its fullest potential educationally, socially and emotionally. EMBODI is designed to address these issues through dialogue, and recommendations for change and action. EMBODI will include a program format and information template. The delivery options may include a town hall meeting, workshops, and/or teen leadership summits.
Participating City of Richmond High Schools
John Marshall
Aishah Moore, Chair |
The purpose of this committee is to increase awareness about emergency preparedness activities. The committee provides structures and systematic training for the membership’s readiness, response and recovery efforts. The committee also provides steps for early response and efficient recovery, and develops resources and guidance for chapter members impacted by natural or man-made disasters. The committee provides effective and immediate communication strategies to facilitate and aid in preparedness and response.
Pamela Knight, Chair |
The Committee plans, organizes and coordinates appropriate events to raise funds for chapter programs and projects. Jointly implement all fundraising activities involving other committees.
Nikki Deveaux, Chair |
Ashlie Watts, Chair |
The main function of the Heritage and Archives Committee is to gather, record, and preserve the ongoing history of the Chapter so that future members may learn of its inception, growth, and development.
The Committee’s primary responsibility is to provide hospitality to both members of the Richmond Chapter and visiting Deltas. The committee is charged with promoting fellowship within the Chapter.
Cynthia Simpson, Chair
The Committee oversees a group of activities designed to enhance the academic, social, cultural and civic awareness of selected high school juniors and seniors and selected Little Misses in grades 1-5 from the greater Richmond Metropolitan area.
Anita Roane, Chair |
The committee’s intention is to offer learning resources and experiences that will enhance both leadership presence and leadership competencies. Throughout the sorority year, Deltas will learn leadership techniques that can be applied within Delta as well as in their professional careers. The mission of this committee is to ignite the inner leader within every Delta to enable the delivery of greatness in the name of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
This committee helps to foster “sisterhood” by planning and implementing dynamic, motivational, and inspirational activities for the membership. The May Week Luncheon and May Month Mix and Mingle are among the bonding activities orchestrated by this committee.
Satara Woodson, Chair |
Kimberly Dabney, Chair |
The Minerva Committee shall prepare and publish a monthly newsletter during the sorority year and assist with the preparation and distribution of bulk and other chapter mailings.
Taylor Roane, Chair
The National Pan Hellenic Council was established in May, 1930 at Howard University as a national coordinating body for the eight historically African American fraternities and sororities which had evolved on American college and university campuses by that time. Its purpose was to help strengthen and advance the fraternity and sorority movements.
Kendra Pugh, Francine Young & Sandee Smith, Members |
The objective of the committee is to review proposed and recommended changes to the Chapter’s policies and procedures documents and to ensure that said policies and procedures are aligned with those of the Regional and National structure.
Kimberly Stevens, Chair |
The Program Planning and Development Committee is chaired by the 3rd Vice President of PP&D and is composed of all officers, positions and committee chairs in the chapter.
Tia Murphy, Chair |
Following established protocol enables the Sorority to proceed smoothly, efficiently, and predictably and serves to enhance the image of the organization. Sorors serving on this committee are responsible for helping to ensure that the membership follows procedures as prescribed by the Founders and the National office.
Stephanie Miller, Chair
The role of the committee is to develop and execute a plan to inform the membership and the public about the Richmond Alumnae Chapter and to promote the sorority’s projects and activities.
Brittany Blanks & Alexis Stevens, Chairs
The coordinator and appointed team members Oversee the documentation to secure volunteer applications, screen volunteer applications and monitor chapter programs to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Risk Management Manual.
Tia Murphy, Coordinator
The Committee will oversee the proper execution of ceremonies as stipulated in the official Ritual of Grand Chapter. The committee will maintain the properties and recommend the purchase and /or replacement of current properties. The committee will provide opportunities for members to increase their knowledge of and appreciation for the fundamental principles as demonstrated in the Sorority’s Ritual and Ceremonies and Protocol documents.
Keisha Barnes, Chair |
The Scholarship Committee is chaired by the Vice President for Scholarship and is composed of specific chapter positions and members-at-large. This committee oversees the scholarship program and plan and execute the High Achievers Program
Anita Roane, Chair |
The Step Team shall perform for sorority functions upon request and availability of its members.
Christine Bates, Chair
The Committee develops a systematic process of envisioning a desired future and translating that vision into broadly defined goals and objectives and a sequence of steps to achieve them. Enables the chapter to set priorities, focus energy and resources, strengthen operations, ensure that members are working toward common goals. Adjusts the chapter’s direction in response to a changing environment. Ensures the measurement of chapter’s successes.
Joey West, Chair |
The purpose of this committee is to oversee and advise the Executive Board on matters of innovation and technology. Key responsibilities include updating the Chapter’s website and email addresses, and providing training to Deltas. During the sorority year, the committee supports other committees by assisting them with their technology needs.
Patrice Wilson, Chair